Flat Peak

Product-focused technology consultancy

Donation page Visit site

Website screenshot


For 4 years, Save Wild Tigers have collected donations online, initially using Stripe, Shopify, and a Shopify plugin to allow for recurring donations.

In 2019, we received notice that the recurring payment plugin would be deprecated, and a suitable alternative would not be availabe. There were a few requirements for this project that made other "off the shelf" solutions unworkable:

  1. We wanted to continue using the existing Stripe account that had been set up to receive donations
  2. The donation page design should be totally customisable, to match the branding from the main Save Wild Tigers website
  3. The charity needed full management of the donations process outside of the flow of the website

We decided to build a donations website platform that would allow Save Wild Tigers, as well as any other charities, to use the platform as a centralised way of receiving donations to the buisness.

The site is built using Ruby on Rails, hosted on Heroku, and has an integration with Stripe Connect, allowing the site to recieve a fee from any payments, and allowing donations to be automatically directed to the correct bank accounts.

We also integrated with Stripe Billing to handle recurring payments, accounting and automatic reconcilliation of fees is handled by an integration with the FreeAgent accounting tool, so that this platform requires minimal efford to process, receive, and account for donations.

Technologies & integrations

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Postgresql
  • Heroku
  • Stripe

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